Rethinking how to build faster Web Experiences for authors, developers and end users

According to Google research, a sluggish web experience detrimentally affects traffic, with more than 50% of users abandoning a webpage that fails to load within three seconds. Similarly, Amazon discovered that a delay of 100 milliseconds led to a 1% decrease in sales. For context, a 1% loss of annual revenue for Amazon in 2023 would have been around $3.8 billion!


In our commitment to make the Web faster for everyone, we are thrilled to introduce to empower businesses to author, preview, and deliver webpages with unprecedented efficiency to achieve best-in-class performance that result in measurable business benefits.

Boost your sales and revenue#

Google introduced Web Vitals to measure essential website performance metrics, including loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability. We fully embrace these metrics to allow creating fast, user-friendly, and SEO-friendly websites.

A faster website generally leads to higher conversion rates, contributes to user satisfaction, encourages repeat visits and reduces bounce rates.

In highly competitive markets, a faster website can give a business a competitive edge. Users are more likely to choose a website that provides a seamless and efficient shopping or browsing experience.

By empowering content authors to use Google Docs and Sheets which are tools they are familiar with, we’re also aiming to simplify and accelerate the collaboration, creation, and publication of content to the Web.

Open Web Platform based#

The Open Web Platform is the collection of open (royalty-free) technologies which enables the Web. Using the Open Web Platform, everyone has the right to implement a software component of the Web without requiring any approvals or waiving license fees.

The maturity of the Web Platform advances each year. By adhering closely to the Web Platform, without unnecessary additions, we can craft websites and applications that are both efficient and enduring.

Hear it from our customers#

Within a mere two weeks, we achieved the critical milestone of going live with, a significant development for our business. The initially surprising, yet remarkably effective, content-first approach using Google Docs made content publication as simple as a click, almost magical. We feel relieved and take comfort in the impressive Core Web Vitals metrics our site achieves.
Vincent Turpin, Director of CAP ISLAND Real Estate

To learn more about, visit our homepage or explore technical resources on how to get started in seconds for free.

Published on 3/16/2024