We believe the Web should be faster for everyone

The doc2.site, doc2.live and doc2.email services are all about making the Web faster for developers, authors and end users. Period.

Our values

What we strongly believe in.

1. API-first mindset

We build APIs first, anything else comes later.

2. The Web Platform wins it all

Frameworks come and go. The Web Platform stays forever.

3. We care about Developer, Author and End User Experience

They all matter to us because we are developers, authors and end users too.

4. Performance always matters

No one likes to wait. That’s a fact.

5. Product-led growth

We’re building a platform that delivers a short time to value with minimal friction.

The Web is for everyone and everyone should benefit from faster Web Experiences.

Faster to develop, faster to create and publish content, faster to access content.


We are remote workers

We believe that excellent work can be accomplished from anywhere, regardless of location.

Our team includes individuals who share our belief that work doesn't have to be confined to a physical office five days a week. It can mean pursuing what you're passionate about, in a setting you choose, and on a schedule that suits you.


Ready ?

Get started in seconds. Start your journey by creating a simple site based on our sample projects.


Let’s work together

Talk to us about your requirements, learn more about pricing plans, or request a demo.
